Retrieve Vendor Credits
Retrieve Vendor Credits from any connected Accounting software
The connection token
Path Parameters
id of the vendorcredit you want to retrieve.
Query Parameters
Set to true to include data from the original Accounting software.
The UUID of the associated accounting period
The UUID of the associated company
The created date of the vendor credit
The currency of the vendor credit
The exchange rate applied to the vendor credit
The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora
The UUID of the vendor credit record
The line items associated with this vendor credit
The last modified date of the vendor credit
The number of the vendor credit
The remote data of the vendor credit in the context of the 3rd Party
The remote ID of the vendor credit
The date when the vendor credit was last updated in the remote system
The total amount of the vendor credit
The UUID of the tracking categories associated with the vendor credit
The date of the transaction
The UUID of the vendor associated with the credit
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